The Different Types of Prostate Surgery

4 min readJun 13, 2024


1. Radical prostatectomy

Radical prostatectomy is the most common type of prostate surgery. It involves removing the entire prostate gland and some of the surrounding tissue. The surgery is typically performed to treat prostate cancer, but it can also be used to treat other conditions, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Radical prostatectomy is a major surgery, and it can have a significant impact on a man’s quality of life. The surgery can cause side effects, such as erectile dysfunction, incontinence, and urinary problems. However, the majority of men who undergo radical prostatectomy are able to return to their normal activities within a few months.

There are two main types of radical prostatectomy: open radical prostatectomy and robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. Open radical prostatectomy is the traditional type of surgery, and it involves making a large incision in the abdomen. Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy is a newer type of surgery that uses a robotic arm to assist the surgeon. Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy is less invasive than open radical prostatectomy, and it typically results in a shorter recovery time.

The type of radical prostatectomy that is best for a particular man will depend on his individual circumstances. His doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of each type of surgery with him and help him make the best decision.

If you are considering radical prostatectomy, it is important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of the surgery. You should also ask your doctor about what to expect during and after surgery. Radical prostatectomy is a major surgery, but it can be an effective treatment for prostate cancer and other conditions.

2. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a less invasive type of prostate surgery that involves removing the inner part of the prostate gland through the urethra. TURP is typically used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged and can cause problems with urination.

TURP is a relatively safe and effective procedure, and it can provide significant relief from BPH symptoms. However, TURP can also cause side effects, such as bleeding, infection, and erectile dysfunction.

During TURP, a surgeon inserts a thin, lighted instrument called a resectoscope into the urethra and up to the prostate gland. The resectoscope has a wire loop at the end that is used to cut and remove the inner part of the prostate gland.

TURP can be performed in two ways:

Standard TURP: The surgeon uses a resectoscope that has a wire loop that is heated by an electric current. The heated wire loop cuts and removes the prostate tissue.

Laser TURP: The surgeon uses a resectoscope that has a laser beam instead of a wire loop. The laser beam cuts and removes the prostate tissue.

Laser TURP is less likely to cause bleeding and other complications than standard TURP. However, it is also more expensive.

The type of TURP that is best for a particular man will depend on his individual circumstances. His doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of each type of TURP with him and help him make the best decision.

If you are considering TURP, it is important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of the surgery. You should also ask your doctor about what to expect during and after surgery. TURP is a relatively safe and effective procedure, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks and complications.

3. Laser prostate surgery

Laser prostate surgery is a newer type of prostate surgery that uses a laser to remove the prostate gland. Laser prostate surgery is less invasive than traditional open surgery, and it typically results in a shorter recovery time.

There are two main types of laser prostate surgery:

Laser vaporization of the prostate (PVP): PVP uses a laser to vaporize the prostate tissue. PVP is typically used to treat small to medium-sized prostates.

Laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP): HoLEP uses a laser to enucleate, or remove, the prostate gland in one piece. HoLEP is typically used to treat large prostates.

Laser prostate surgery is a relatively safe and effective procedure. However, it can cause side effects, such as bleeding, infection, and erectile dysfunction.

The type of laser prostate surgery that is best for a particular man will depend on his individual circumstances. His doctor will discuss the risks and benefits of each type of surgery with him and help him make the best decision.

If you are considering laser prostate surgery, it is important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of the surgery. You should also ask your doctor about what to expect during and after surgery. Laser prostate surgery is a relatively safe and effective procedure, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks and complications.

